In a World Where You Can Be Anything…
More and more, I am convinced that much of what we think of as trite is really just true. But the truth of it has been strangled by skepticism and cynicism.
Epic Quest (Updated)
A sermon about the life of faith, which is actually a series of moments of faith all stitched together.
Called To Freedom
A sermon about what freedom asks of us: namely, mutual service that brings a community together in cooperation that all may thrive.
The Harmonies of Liberty
A sermon about hope and the Holy Trinity, with a cameo by an incredible poem by Aurora Levins Morales.
The Candle Flame of Hope
A sermon about hope and the Holy Trinity, with a cameo by an incredible poem by Aurora Levins Morales.
12 Moments, An Instructed Eucharist
This past Sunday, in lieu of a sermon, I presented an instructed Eucharist based on my pamphlet, 12 Moments. I commend it to you.
Maranatha Meditation
Everything and everywhere hurts right now. In response, here is a meditation on the last prayer in the Bible: “Come, Lord Jesus.”