Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know what’s going at St. Mark’s?
The calendar page is the most current page, so check there if you need to know if an event is still happening (in case of weather-related cancellations, for example). We have a Facebook page and we send out an e-blast every Tuesday at 3 p.m. You can sign up for the weekly email by clicking here.
What does a normal Sunday morning look like?
During the school year, Sunday morning kicks off with worship at 8 a.m. (without music). The adult Forum Hour meets at 9 a.m. Our second worship service begins at 10 a.m. Godly Play® children’s program takes place at 10 a.m. also, and the children join their parents mid-way through the service. Time for coffee, treats, and fellowship takes place after the service. All worship services include prayers, readings from the Bible, a sermon, and a celebration of Holy Communion (also known as Holy Eucharist or the Lord’s Supper).
Do you have nursery care at St. Mark’s?
Yes. On Sunday morning, the nursery is staffed from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., which will give parents time to come to adult education, practice with the choir, and attend worship. Generally, infants to two-year-olds populate the nursery.
Where is St. Mark’s located?
St. Mark’s is just around the corner from the historic Mystic River bridge in downtown Mystic, CT at 15 Pearl Street 06355. For directions, click here.
How do I become a member?
First things first – attend worship services on Sunday morning. Meet some of the friendly people and introduce yourself to our pastor, Adam Thomas. If you discern this is the home God is calling you to choose in order to grow in your faith and serve God in the world, then we’ll all rejoice together! There are a few technical things to do at that point, but we’ll get there when we get there.
Is St. Mark’s accessible to those with physical challenges?
Yes! The Undercroft, offices, and education wing are all on the ground floor. A lift from the Undercroft to the church is available for those who cannot negotiate stairs.
Can I get married at St. Mark’s even if I’m not a member?
Yes, you can, though at least one member of the couple needs to be a baptized Christian (not necessarily Episcopalian). We require four sessions of pre-marital counseling with clergy beforehand, so make sure you contact us with plenty of time before your planned date (but no more than a year out). Click here for more information.