Our growth in the knowledge and love of the Lord continues throughout this life and into the next. At St. Mark’s, we have several opportunities for adults to engage in their own spiritual growth.
The Forum
Sundays at 9:00am
In between services on Sunday mornings during the school year, a few dozen people gather in the Undercroft below the church to learn from and teach one another. Class topics range from strategies for interpreting the Bible to studies on prayer and worship to living the Christian life outside the walls of the church. A mix of lectures and small group discussions, as well as visits from guest speakers, mark the style of the Forum Hour. (Available simultaneously on-site and on Zoom.)
Thursdays from 8:15 – 9am
During the 2024-2025 school year, the Thursday Bible Study group is studying the Gospel and Acts of the Apostles from the perspective of St. Peter. Using the manuscript that Pastor Adam wrote on his recent sabbatical, a novelization of the Gospel, the group will journey imaginatively into Jesus’ world and live through the eyes Simon Peter, Jesus’ chief disciple and best friend.
Next Class TBD in 2025
An introductory class on the Episcopal Church for all adults in the parish, with a special eye to adults seeking confirmation or reception into the Episcopal Church at the next bishop’s visit.