Our worship of God serves three primary purposes. First, God draws praise from us, not because God needs the adoration, but because we are beings who were created to love, serve, and praise God. Second, the community gathers for support and building up of one another in the power of the Spirit. And third, our week in and week out attention to worship gives us something around which to structure our lives. Here’s how and when we worship here at St. Mark’s.
Thursday Morning Worship
Thursdays at 7:30am
Early Thursday morning finds about a dozen people gathered for an informal celebration of Holy Communion. Readings, prayers, and an extemporaneous sermon fill the first half of the service, and in the second half, the people circle around for the Eucharistic prayer. We join hands for the Lord’s Prayer and then receive communion from one another going around the circle. Breakfast follows downstairs in the Undercroft.
Wednesday Worship at StoneRidge
Wednesdays at 1:30pm
Each Wednesday, Episcopalians at the StoneRidge senior living retirement community ( 186 Jerry Browne Rd., Mystic, CT 06355) come together for a simple service of Holy Communion. Anyone from StoneRidge or the surrounded community is welcome to attend.
Sunday Morning Worship
Sundays at 8:00am & 10:00am
Our two main worship services of the week, the Sunday morning liturgies follow the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. They include biblical readings, a sermon, prayers, and a celebration of Holy Communion (also known as “The Lord’s Supper” or “The Eucharist”). The 10 a.m. service also includes congregational and choral singing supported by our organ and, on occasion, other instrumental accompaniment.
If you’d like to learn more about our typical Sunday worship services, please download and read Pastor Adam’s pamphlet “12 Moments: Reflections for an Instructed Eucharist.”
All baptized Christians (you don’t have to be Episcopalian) are welcome to receive Holy Communion here at St. Mark’s. We have a gluten-free option for those that need it.
Our nursery is open from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for children from infant through age two.