Staff & Vestry
Meet the staff and vestry (governing board of members) of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. Along with the paid staff, a host of wonderful volunteers makes everything run smoothly, starting with the all-volunteer vestry officers and members. Without the partnership of our staff and members, we would be ill-equipped to participate in God’s mission as we do.
Meet the Vestry
The dedicated members of the vestry, partner with the rector to guide the community of St. Mark’s to closer relationships with God. While the vestry is often seen simply as the “governing board” of the parish, its decisions go beyond mere policy, affecting not just the structure and finances of the church, but also the spiritual lives of its people. As such, members of the vestry take on a sacred duty to listen to God, one another, the members of the parish, and the deep hunger of the world, and then discern how the community of St. Mark’s is called to use our unique giftedness to bring God’s kingdom closer to earth.
Senior Warden
Ted Kietzman
Junior Warden
Rob Christian
Betsy Beaulieu
Chris Barnes
Deb Adam † Marie Carmenati † Maura D’Agostino † Adam Fritzsche † Sue Glass † Arlene Johnson † Zach Kohl † Lynne Lawrence † Greg Steel † Jackie Stoltz † Dave Tura † Fred Zielger
For an archive of vestry meeting minutes, please click here.
If you’d like the vestry to hear something, you can email them at