Revelation, the Good Parts Version (updated)
Today we're looking at the Book of Revelation, and we'll claim it back from those who think it's a series of predictions about the end of the world.
With Open Hearts And Outstretched Arms
A sermon about one of the most important moments in the New Testament when the leaders of the Jesus Movement in Jerusalem change their mind and welcome the Gentiles. And about what that says about now.
Listen To My Voice
Two weeks ago in our Gospel reading, we heard Jesus say, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.” Last week Jesus told Simon Peter (and by extension, us the readers) “Follow me.” And today, we hear him say something else from earlier in the Gospel.
Peter and Jesus
On the beach after breakfast, the Risen Christ heals Simon Peter and gives him a mission.
Guest Speaker: Rev. Martha Rogers
You can view the Rev. Martha Rogers’ sermon on our YouTube channel.
Five Easter Encounters
Throughout the last two chapters of the Gospel according to John, the risen Jesus appears to his friends five times. In each encounter, a barrier could have kept the disciples from recognizing him, barriers like sorrow, fear, doubt, frustration, and shame. But in each encounter, Jesus’ presence dispels those barriers.
The Com-passion Gospel
In the Passion Gospel, we see God Incarnate walking through the muck of Sin, carrying the weight of a broken world on his back.
Unlearn What You Have Learned
Part of beginning again is unlearning what we have wrongly learned. That’s what this sermon is about, with a lot of help from, of course, Yoda.
Begin Again
A sermon about beginning again and staying in the present moment where we are most able to meet God.
Bearing Walls
There are a lot of sayings that people think are in the Bible but just aren t there This sermon is about a possible biblical inspiration for one of those false statements.