I Contain Multitudes
Sermon Adam Thomas Sermon Adam Thomas

I Contain Multitudes

Jesus understands human nature so well He knows we want to see ourselves as the heroes of the story, and not as cogs in the machinery of woe And that’s why he speaks both blessings and woes In effect, he says, do not turn away from this reality, this reality that we contain multitudes, that…

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You are Mine, My Love, My Joy
Sermon Faithe Sermon Faithe

You are Mine, My Love, My Joy

Every year on the Sunday after the Epiphany, we hear the story of Jesus’ baptism in the River Jordan. The Gospel writer Luke skips the moment of the baptism, preferring instead to focus on what happens next. Jesus comes up out of the water, towels off his hair, and puts on his clothes. And then he starts praying…

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