Never Alone
This sermon discusses Jesus' teachings on divorce and adultery, emphasizing his vision for deep relationships that prevent loneliness. It highlights the protective purpose of Moses's law while affirming Jesus' call for connection and mutual care in relationships.
A Loving Prescription
A sermon that ties the last two together, in which Jesus loves a person enough to tell him what he needs to do in order to embrace life.
Letting Go the Grail
A sermon about choosing relationship with God over our impediments to that relationship...also...Indiana Jones.
The Unbroken Circle
A story sermon about Jesus teaching the apostles after they argue with each other about which of them is the greatest.
Our Identities
A sermon about identity, especially about the two most important facets of our identities: "child of God" and "follower of Jesus."
Back to School 2024
Our periodic magazine, The Lion’s Tale, highlights the upcoming happenings for the Fall and the new program year.
Breathe in the Holy Spirit
A guided meditation about breathing in the Holy Spirit and breathing out the blessings of a life lived following Jesus.