Advent/Christmas/Epiphany 2023
Our periodic magazine, The Lion’s Tale, highlights the upcoming happenings for the Fall and the new program year.
The Shepherd and the King
A sermon about images of Christ, moving from an imperial sovereign to a shepherding savior.
Guest Speaker: The Rt. Rev. Laura Ahrens
Bishop Laura Ahrens joins St. Mark’s for a special day of confirmations and receptions.
A Better World, with Help from Star Trek
A sermon about a vision of a better world, as imagined by Revelation and the Beatitudes. Also, Star Trek.
What We Mean When We Say ‘Love’
Earlier this year, I preached a out wht we mean when we say “God.” This one’s similar; it’s about what we mean when we say “love.”
Living the Wisdom of the Ten Commandments
Flipping the commandments into positive statements helps us to live them out in our daily lives.
Generous Justice
A sermon about the concepts of fairness, justice, and equity, inspired by the parable of the vineyard owner and workers in the vineyard.