Stephen the Red Shirt
A sermon about the first martyr of the church, St. Stephen, and a cautionary tale about switching from "our" to "your." Plus -- Star Trek.
Even the Good One
Sometimes we forget that God's faithfulness matters more than our own ability to act on our faith. This sermon and song are about that.
Where is God?
A sermon about how to speak about where God is, despite the limitations of prepositions in the English language.
The Two Endings of John
A sermon about the two endings of John and how the Gospel doesn't really end, but continues to be written in our lives.
Simon, Lazarus, Philip, Mary
An Easter sermon about Jesus resurrection signaling his desire always to remain in relationship with us (looking at the four times he calls people by name in the Gospel According to John).
The Crowd’s Four Lines
A short sermon to prepare folks to speak the crowd's line during the Passion Gospel.
May Not Perish But May Have Eternal Life
Here's part 4 of 4 of the accidental sermon series on John 3:16, talking resurrection and eternal life with Jesus and Martha.
So that Everyone Who Believes in Him…
Here's part 3 of 4 of the accidental sermon series on John 3:16, talking about belief and the man born blind.
That God Gave God’s Only Son
I realized I accidentally started writing a sermon series on John 3:16. Here's part 2 of 4, using the story of the woman at the well.
Guest Speaker: Bishop Jeff Mello
This past Sunday St. Mark’s welcomed our new bishop, the Rt. Rev. Jeff Mello, for a visit!