Where is God?
A sermon about how to speak about where God is, despite the limitations of prepositions in the English language.
The Two Endings of John
A sermon about the two endings of John and how the Gospel doesn't really end, but continues to be written in our lives.
Simon, Lazarus, Philip, Mary
An Easter sermon about Jesus resurrection signaling his desire always to remain in relationship with us (looking at the four times he calls people by name in the Gospel According to John).
The Crowd’s Four Lines
A short sermon to prepare folks to speak the crowd's line during the Passion Gospel.
May Not Perish But May Have Eternal Life
Here's part 4 of 4 of the accidental sermon series on John 3:16, talking resurrection and eternal life with Jesus and Martha.
So that Everyone Who Believes in Him…
Here's part 3 of 4 of the accidental sermon series on John 3:16, talking about belief and the man born blind.
That God Gave God’s Only Son
I realized I accidentally started writing a sermon series on John 3:16. Here's part 2 of 4, using the story of the woman at the well.
Guest Speaker: Bishop Jeff Mello
This past Sunday St. Mark’s welcomed our new bishop, the Rt. Rev. Jeff Mello, for a visit!
The Vision
A story sermon about Peter's vision on the mountaintop and his desire to see as God sees for the rest of his days.
New Ministry
This weekend, I preached at the Celebration of New Ministry for a friend and colleague instead of preaching at St. Mark's. Here is the sermon I offered at the service on Saturday.
You Are The Light
After a couple of heavy sermons in a row, here's what I call a "pep rally" sermon about being the light of the world.
The Funeral Homily
After more than 20 deaths at St. Mark's in the last year, I decided to share with the wider parish some of things I often say at funerals. This is the Sunday of our annual meeting, so it felt appropriate to sidestep the appointed readings and address the pastoral issue of our collective grief.
I am of Paul
This sermon is about the danger of fundamentalism, but it’s going to take me a few minutes to get there. I need to start like this: something’s going on in the Church in Corinth. We don’t know exactly what because we only have Paul’s side of the story. But we know that within a few years of its founding, fractures have appeared between the church’s members.
The Intention of Giving Thanks
The act of thanksgiving is an important spiritual discipline for our lives of faith.
Intro to Baptism
An intro to baptismal theology, with special attention to the truth that baptism is an affirmation and celebration of a state of being that already exists, marking the moment of our participation in the reality of God's movement in the world.
26-Foot U-Hall
A sermon about emptying ourselves of all the spiritual junk inside us to allow more room for God to fill.
O Magnum Mysterium
A Christmas Eve sermon about the Word becoming flesh and living among us.
Joseph’s Letter
A first person sermon in which Joseph tells his father about changing his mind and discerning the choice between two right decisions.