I Contain Multitudes
Jesus understands human nature so well He knows we want to see ourselves as the heroes of the story, and not as cogs in the machinery of woe And that’s why he speaks both blessings and woes In effect, he says, do not turn away from this reality, this reality that we contain multitudes, that…
Catching People
A story sermon about the call of the disciples and Peter s realization about what Jesus meant when he said that the fishermen would be catching people.
The Meditation of My Heart
A sermon about the practice of Christian meditation my discipline, a story about my time in Israel, and some of the benefits of the practice.
You are Mine, My Love, My Joy
Every year on the Sunday after the Epiphany, we hear the story of Jesus’ baptism in the River Jordan. The Gospel writer Luke skips the moment of the baptism, preferring instead to focus on what happens next. Jesus comes up out of the water, towels off his hair, and puts on his clothes. And then he starts praying…
A Ten Year Sermon Clip Show
No sermon this week, so here s a clip show of ten impactful sermons, one each from the last ten years of WheretheWind.com
The Stone Manger
Two and half years ago, I stood in a long line of pilgrims in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. As I inched forward I took in the beautiful mosaics being painstakingly recovered on the walls and floors…
Magnify the Lord
Last week we talked about the beautiful promise that “The Lord is near.” This week, let’s take that a step further and talk about how God invites us to make God’s nearness known, keying in on a special word in Mary’s song, which I’ll get to in a moment…
The Lord Is Near
Today’s lesson from Philippians begins with one of the most beloved verses of scripture: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.” There’s a good chance your grandma had this embroidered on a throw pillow…