Church Property Updates to Take Place

There are a few updates that will be made to the church property over the next several weeks. Here is a brief overview of these projects from Junior Warden, Rob Christian:

Replacement of the Undercroft and Kitchen Flooring

The floor of the undercroft and kitchen will be torn out and replaced with an epoxy floor beginning Monday, April 29. There will be no access to the undercroft until Friday, May 3. Due to the nature of the materials involved, parishioners should expect to notice an odor Sunday, May 5. If anyone is extremely sensitive to chemical smells they may wish to attend service via YouTube that Sunday. We will open windows and doors as much as possible during the work, weather allowing, to vent the area and quickly minimize any offensive odors, but cannot guarantee their total elimination by Sunday.

Replacement of the Concrete Front Walkway/Stairs

Also, during the week of April 29, the cracked and crumbling concrete walk and stairs from the city walk to the stone steps at the front of the church will be torn out and re-poured with new concrete. This should not affect services the following Sunday as the concrete should be fully cured. In the event of impending weather that week, this may occur the week of May 6.

Installation of Electrical Wiring for Anticipated New Exit Gate

In conjunction with repairing the front walk, near the end of that week, the contractor will cut a trench in the church parking lot and bury conduits for electrical wiring for a new exit gate that will be installed. This work will most likely occur on Friday and the parking lot will be closed for the day. The trench is expected to be backfilled and resurfaced with asphalt by the end of the day. However, if there is any issue with the trenching, the lot may continue to be closed until sometime the following day.

If you have any concerns or questions about these projects, you are welcome to reach out to the church office.


Faithe is a digital marketing consultant for local small businesses and organizations.  You can find her at

Guest Speaker: The Rev. Gary Sturni


Read This Week’s eTale: April 23, 2024