The Foundation of Being
Sermon Adam Thomas Sermon Adam Thomas

The Foundation of Being

This sermon explores God's identity in response to Moses, emphasizing the significance of God's name "I Am Who I Am." It highlights the importance of recognizing our connection to God and responsibilities towards creation and each other.

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For it is Written
Sermon Adam Thomas Sermon Adam Thomas

For it is Written

The sermon discusses the misuse of scripture by the devil and individuals to justify harmful actions. It encourages reflection on personal morals, highlighting the importance of distinguishing between life-giving and death-dealing choices while following Christ's path toward abundance and peace.

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The Imposition of Ashes
Sermon Adam Thomas Sermon Adam Thomas

The Imposition of Ashes

On Ash Wednesday, the imposition of ashes symbolizes both our mortality and our identity as God's beloved children. This ritual reveals our baptismal marks, reminding us of our commitment to follow Christ each day of our lives.

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Love Your Enemies
Sermon Adam Thomas Sermon Adam Thomas

Love Your Enemies

The sermon explores Jesus' radical command to love our enemies, emphasizing three paths: recognizing their humanity, maintaining healthy boundaries, and embracing nonviolence. It challenges listeners to embody authentic love, despite the complexities of hatred and conflict.

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Sinking Your Roots
Sermon Adam Thomas Sermon Adam Thomas

Sinking Your Roots

The sermon explores the metaphor of roots, emphasizing the significance of where we establish our foundations. Using the Prophet Jeremiah's teachings, it contrasts trust with fear, abundance with scarcity, justice with retribution, and compassion with isolation.

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By the Grace of God
Sermon Adam Thomas Sermon Adam Thomas

By the Grace of God

The sermon explores the concept of grace, highlighting its significance through the Apostle Paul's transformation from a persecutor to an apostle. It compares grace to the beauty of movement in dance and emphasizes God's support in overcoming life's falls. Ultimately, it illustrates how grace prompts genuine actions rooted in love and mercy.

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The Presentation
Sermon Adam Thomas Sermon Adam Thomas

The Presentation

When we come to altar rail, we bring our whole selves. In these tumultuous days, I'm bringing a flurry of emotions and asking the Holy Spirit to transform them so I can be about God's work of justice and peace in the world.

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To Catch Us All
Sermon Adam Thomas Sermon Adam Thomas

To Catch Us All

The sermon emphasizes the importance of deepening connections with others as a remedy against societal fractures. Using 1 Corinthians, it advocates practicing gratitude, fostering "I-Thou" relationships, and nurturing close bonds. By engaging with others meaningfully, we can strengthen our connections and embody God's love, ultimately countering isolation and dehumanization.

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